
Neither clocks nor calendars seem to be of any use in Guatemala, as it is a country oblivious to the passage of time. From its faded colonial buildings to its undisturbed jungles, from its aquamarine lagoons to its Mayan ruins and pyramids, it is their differences that make it unique.

tejido de alfombra de pascua en Guatemala
“Ouch! Guatemala, when I say your name I come back to life…”
The traces of time undoubtedly lead to it. The last home of the Mayan people, the most diverse country in Latin America breathes free, knowing that its essence lives on in the soul of its people and in the heart of its mighty volcanoes.
Vista del lago Atitlán en verano
The fire of the Mayans continues to shine...
No matter what you look for, no matter what you expect, Guatemala always gives what you need.

Ash and water


Between January and April is the best time to relax on Guatemalan beaches and visit the highlands of the country.

Tropical hot

Average 32°C

January to April

Warm days and cool nights

NUBA experiences

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